Harald Grosse (Uni Wien): Topological Phase Transitions and Topological Phases of Matter, Nobel Prize in Physics 2016


The physicists Duncan M. Haldane, David J. Thouless and Michael Kosterlitz – Nobel-Prize winners 2016 – used topology to identify new phases of matter.

Dienstag, 10. Jänner 2017, 17:30

Ort:  Lise-Meitner-Hörsaal, Strudlhofgasse 4, 1. Stock

The physicists Duncan M. Haldane, David J. Thouless and Michael Kosterlitz – Nobel-Prize winners 2016 – used topology to identify new phases of matter. Vortex-antivortex condensation was found to be the reason behind 2 D phase transitions. The integer quantum Hall effect is connected to a Chern number. Haldane proposed models, which led to the spin QHE and topological insulators. We mention the Haldane conjecture on gaps in spin chains. Axion Electrodynamics is connected to 3 D topological insulators..

Abstract und Details des Vortrags.